《After the Breakup, He Pursued Her Relentlessly》

After the fire broke out in our apartment building,my boyfriend’s first reaction was to rush out of our apartment and save his childhood friend and neighbor,Isabella Harris.

Trying to ease my frustration,his friend explained,“Lucas only saved Isabella first because he felt responsible for her.They've known each other for over a decade.If there was something between them,it would have happened already.”

I remained calm.“I don’t get it,but I respect it.I hope they’re happy together.Keep your justifications to yourself."


Three days after the fire,I returned to my new rented apartment.

A bouquet of green and white lisianthus flowers lay on my doorstep.

It was the first time he had ever given me lisianthus.

I picked up the card attached to the flowers.The handwriting from the florist was a bit messy:[Sorry.]

Flowers were his usual way of apologizing.

My emotions often flared up quickly but subsided just as fast.

Every time we argued,he would send gifts,I would accept them,and we would act as if nothing had happened.

I nudged the flowers aside as my phone rang.It was Lucas Wilson.

"Harper,Isabella wants to thank me for saving her.She invited us to dinner.I’m waiting downstairs."

We had actually been giving each other the silent treatment for three days.

But he spoke as if nothing had happened.

I agreed."Okay."

After getting into Lucas's car,he frowned slightly and said,“There’s a light jacket in the back seat.You should put it on.”

I shook my head."I'm not cold."

We drove past rows of old,quaint townhouses lining the street.

Curious,I asked,“How did you know I moved here?”

Lucas drove with one hand."I asked about the store where you often order takeout."

Of course.The staff in that store also knew him.

When we arrived at the restaurant,Isabella had been waiting inside for a while.

Seeing us walk in together,she seemed a bit surprised.“Hi Lucas,Harper.”

I noticed the table was set for two.Lucas casually motioned for the waiter to bring an extra set of utensils.

The table was soon filled with beautifully presented dishes.

Lucas stood up to pull out my chair,a gesture he often made when we dined out.

Isabella,noticing the courtesy,offered a smile.“Lucas,could you please pass me the salt too?”Lucas obliged without hesitation.

Isabella smiled and said,"This time,I want to specially thank Lucas and you,Harper.

“Don’t misunderstand.Lucas came to find me first because I had sprained my ankle a few days before the fire.”She blinked at me,her eyeshadow catching the light with a subtle shimmer.

I continued eating my food calmly.“I see.”

“By the way,you must have been really scared during the fire,Harper.”

My fork paused briefly.

In fact,the fire was brought under control very quickly.

But with the alarm blaring and the corridor filled with smoke,everyone was panicking.

I was so scared that I subconsciously wanted to grab Lucas,but I realized there was no one around me.

He had already helped another woman disappear into the smoke in the corridor.

After going downstairs,I angrily shouted that I wanted to break up and stormed off without looking back.

I came to my senses.

Then I saw Isabella giving Lucas a meaningful look,“Lucas,you should apologize to Harper.You can't ignore her just because you were in a hurry.”

Lucas put down his fork,his eyes filled with regret.

"I'm sorry."

We had been together for three years and had argued countless times.

This was the first time he apologized first.

In the past,I would have felt triumphant or seized the moment to prolong the argument.

Now,I only felt embarrassed.

Did he really need Isabella to prompt him to apologize?Couldn't he speak for himself?


I grabbed the glass of juice next to me and drank it all.

“It’s fine,”I said.

“You know,I only see Isabella as a sister,”Lucas continued.“Taking care of her is just me keeping a promise to her mom.Don’t let this upset you.”

Isabella looked apologetic.“Lucas and I have known each other since we were kids.We’re like siblings.Please don’t be angry because of me,Harper.”

I glanced at both of them,puzzled.

After finishing the glass,I stood up.

"I'll pay the bill,you guys take your time eating,don't let me spoil your fun."

I left the restaurant at a leisurely pace.

The autumn evening breeze was a bit chilly.

Carrying my high heels in one hand,I walked barefoot along the riverside promenade.

The waves lapped against the shore in a soothing rhythm.

I looked at the path ahead.

It hit me suddenly--wasn’t this the same route I used to follow Lucas on during our university days?

I had fallen for Lucas at first sight in college.

Young love had been fiery and all-consuming.I pursued him for a whole year before we finally became a couple.

People often envied me,saying I was lucky to have won over someone as elusive as Lucas.

But only I knew that he had never broken his principles for me.

I found a bench to sit on and pulled out my phone.I happened to see a recent social media post by Isabella.

In the familiar front passenger seat of Lucas's car,the photo focused on a candy apple.

The caption:[Candy apples from this store are the best.]

My fingers hovered over the screen,motionless.

Lucas had a mild case of germophobia.He never allowed me to eat in the front seat of his car.

I smiled,but tears welled up in my eyes.

I always thought love was about mutual compromise and understanding,where someone eventually had to give in.

I never minded his habits.

What hurt was that his principles and rules could be so easily set aside for someone else.

Lucas sent me a message asking if I had made it home.

I didn't reply.

Seeing no response,he messaged again:[The food wasn’t great today.Next time,let’s try a different place.]

After a while,another message came through:[Are you asleep?Remember to light the calming incense before bed.Good night.]

I scrolled through our past messages.They were filled with my long,rambling updates,met with his occasional short replies of“OK”or“Got it.”

When I got home and finished my shower,I noticed a familiar car parked below my balcony.

As if sensing my presence,the car window rolled down.I quickly retreated from the balcony.

The next morning,I went to work with dark circles under my eyes.

When I stepped outside,there was the same familiar car.

I tried to act as if I hadn’t seen it and kept walking.

But then my phone rang.It was the taxi driver.“Miss,your location is too tricky to find.Could you cancel and book another ride?”

“Can’t find the place?What’s the point of being a taxi driver?”I muttered,canceling the ride.

The car pulled up beside me,and the window rolled down to reveal Lucas's familiar,sharp features.“I’ll drive you,”he offered.

Seeing that I was running late,I quietly got into the passenger seat.

On a typical day,I would have been chatty,filling the car with conversation.

But today,the only sound was the whisper of the wind outside.

Lucas seemed uncomfortable in the silence.

“You haven’t had breakfast,have you?”he asked.


"Yeah,"I muttered,eyes glued to my phone.

"Want me to bring you some breakfast later?"Lucas asked.

"No need."

"Skipping meals is bad for your stomach."

"It's fine."

When we reached my office building,I tried to open the car door but found it still locked.

Lucas turned to me."The apartment wasn’t damaged by the fire.It’s cleaned up and ready.When are you moving back?"

“I’ve got a lease--three months prepaid,”I replied,still trying to open the door.

With a click,the door unlocked,and I quickly got out.

"Harper,"Lucas called after me.

I turned around.

He stepped out of the car,his tailored suit emphasizing his tall,lean frame.He looked every bit the sophisticated professional,his demeanor both refined and aloof,almost untouchable.

“You’re upset about the fire,and I’ve explained and apologized.If there’s something else bothering you,we should talk it out instead of just giving each other the silent treatment.”

I couldn't help but laugh.“Lucas,do you think my reaction in the car was indifferent?Isn’t this the same way you’ve always treated me?Or is it only now that you think this kind of behavior means a silent treatment?”

He was speechless.

I turned and walked away.

For the next five workdays,I buried myself in my tasks.

Flowers and gifts from Lucas arrived intermittently,but I ignored them all.

For the first time,I realized that living alone had its perks.

I didn’t have to worry about waiting for someone to come back from dinner or consider what to cook to make someone happy.

The daily chores seemed to be cut in half.

Then,one of our mutual friends got in touch.

"Hey,Harper,come on and have to talk.Holding a grudge isn’t solving anything."

Maybe it was time for a proper conversation.

I agreed to meet at the location they suggested.

It was a quaint lounge bar with gentle,melodic tunes drifting through the air.

I followed the server’s directions to a table.

Before I even got there,I overheard some playful banter.

“Lucas isn't used to this kind of hassle.If it were anyone else giving him the cold shoulder,they wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Isabella sat close to Lucas,looking troubled.“Harper is just too sensitive.We’ve all been friends for years.You all know how Lucas and I are.”

“Yeah,and back when Lucas was after you,if you’d liked him,you would’ve said yes.You wouldn’t have gone abroad.”

My head buzzed.

Lucas had pursued Isabella?Before she went overseas?

Thinking back to that period when Lucas suddenly accepted my confession of love,my steps went weak.

Lucas’s voice sounded heavy.“That’s all in the past.”

I took a deep breath and gripped the nearby railing.During college,there were always rumors about them--a campus heartthrob and an art college darling.I had brushed them off as idle gossip.

Despite telling myself I should let it go,the dull ache was unavoidable.

I had thought he was naturally reserved and principled.But it turned out I never truly understood him.

No wonder I always felt like I was guessing his thoughts,carefully trying to please him.

It dawned on me that I had never been in his heart.

Isabella’s voice was tinged with innocence.“Alright,we’re here to find a way to help Harper,after all.”

“Maybe Harper’s insecurity stems from childhood trauma?”someone speculated.

I walked over.

The group fell silent as I approached,except for the person who had suggested the idea.

Oblivious to my presence,he continued his enthusiastic analysis.

“Am I right?Harper probably had some trauma as a child,which made her insecure as she grew up,so...”

He noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere,and his voice trailed off as he sensed something was amiss.

"My analysis is correct..."

I forced a smile,"Oh,you're right on target.A philosopher in a bar,huh?So,I guess all my confidence fled to you?”

Lucas stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Harper,he didn’t mean any harm..."

Our mutual friends looked awkward,and Isabella,sitting beside Lucas,stood up to mediate.

"Sorry,we were just trying to help you two patch things up."

I ignored Isabella and instead gave Lucas a mocking look."You know,when I asked if my friend could rent the apartment opposite yours,you were against it.Yet somehow,Isabella ended up moving in.Seems there's more to that story."

Lucas’s face darkened slightly."Back then,I didn’t understand my own feelings.I only see Isabella as a sister."

Isabella’s face turned pale.

I shook off Lucas's hand and grabbed a glass of red drinks from the table,throwing it in his face!

The onlookers gasped in surprise!

I finally found a good place to read novels!