Tired of Loving My Bastard Husband

To accompany his sweetheart,he abandoned his pregnant wife,after discovering the truth,she decided to stop loving him...

The rain poured down outside, and the smell of the rain lingered in my nose as I waited for my turn at the OB-GYN clinic. Today was the ultrasound I’d been eagerly waiting for, the one that would finally reveal the tiny human being growing inside me.

My husband, Lucas, stood up when he received a call. He nodded and looked at me. Then, he hung up the call and said, “I have an urgent meeting… the company needs me.”

“But Lucas… Can you please stay even just a minute? ”

He leaned forward and kissed my lips quickly, “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be back as soon as possible. You’re a doctor yourself, right? You know what to do.”

“We are supposed to be—”

He sighed and squeezed my hand, “I’ll be right back, okay?”

Shortly before the OB-GYN doctor arrived, he abruptly left me alone in the clinic. I was really upset, but I kept telling myself that everything would be okay. This is nothing new to me; he's always been a busy businessman, and I understand he can't always make time for me.

"Mrs. Ford?" asked the medical assistant.

Standing up, I forced a smile and asked, "Yes?"

"This way, please…" she said.

I felt better after my doctor's appointment since the baby was healthy and was already four weeks pregnant. However, as I prepared to leave, the heavy rain was still pouring down, and I was alone. Lucas hadn't even sent a driver to come and pick me up, and since I knew he was busy with the board meeting, I had no choice but to hail a cab just to get home.


I exited the cab and hurried inside. The lobby floor, damp from the downpour, surprised me with its stickiness. "Oh..." I gasped softly.

My foot went out from under me on a sickening slide; my eyes widened as I gasped nervously.

My whole body went numb as I felt something streaming down my legs.

"N-No.. No..." I whispered to myself as tears slowly fell down my cheeks.

The building guards came to my rescue and asked, "Ma'am, are you alright?" When he saw red on the floor, he immediately urged his companion, "Call an Ambulance!"

And in just one snap, I lost my baby—my everything.


"I'm so sorry, Claire…" Jackson murmured, his voice heavy with sympathy.

Jackson is one of the best doctors I know. He's the son of the owner of the biggest hospital in the city. I can't help but feel honored to be one of his friends. And now he runs the hospital as the CEO.

I didn't say a word; I was so devastated that I didn't know how this happened. The hollowness inside me mirrored the emptiness beside me on the examination table. I stare at the report and I can't help but shed tears.

"Do you want me to call Lucas?" Jackson asks gently.

"No. He's busy…" I said with a bitter smile, then stood up even though my whole body still felt so painful walking.

I held the report tightly, and Jackson offered me a ride. The ride home was shrouded in heavy silence. When we finally arrived, I stepped out and said, "Thanks, Jack."

He smiled apologetically.

I walked with a heavy heart and still had no idea how I could tell this devastating news to Lucas.

Grief, raw and unbearable pain ripped through me. I opened the door to my penthouse, then slumped on the floor, feeling hopeless and empty. Tears streamed down my face as I reached for my phone with my trembling fingers. I glanced at the screen, and it was 2:00 am. Hours that bled by without a blink of sleep.

Then, I received a notification. I swiped it open, and my heart sank as I saw Lucas with another woman beaming perfectly in the photo. May, his childhood sweetheart.

He swore May was just a friend, but now they have a photo together with a baby next to them—they look like a picture family perfect while I'm here, miserable.

I just lost my baby!

"This wasn't a board meeting," I said snidely. "This was him—lying. He had lied to me many times. He was a liar."

And I just realized... I'm tired of loving my husband.


I finally found a good place to read novels!