Ex-husband, Get out!

Mr Brooks,you came too late,your wife dead and we found she was pregnant,he cried and regretted,No,i wanted you back!

Pregnant and clutching my test report,I was on my way to find Logan Brooks when I encountered a landslide.

The car was buried under rubble for two days before my phone finally received a signal.I weakly called Logan for help.

His ex-girlfriend Rebecca Amore answered the phone,"Logan's busy.Who's this?"

Seeing no response,she went to ask Logan,"Do you know this number?"

Logan's cold voice came through the receiver.


I raised my phone in confusion.

The next moment,a deafening noise from above as giant rocks rolled down,engulfing me.

Before losing consciousness,I heard the sound of an ambulance.

Fortunately,I didn't foolishly call only Logan.

Upon waking up in the hospital,I was relieved to find the child unharmed.

On the day of discharge,I unexpectedly saw Logan in the neighboring ward,carefully feeding his ex-girlfriend food.

We had been together for five years,but I never knew Logan could be so tender with someone else.

It dawned on me that it wasn't that he couldn't,but rather,he didn't want to waste his time on me.

A sharp,piercing pain spread through my heart as I looked at the pregnancy test report,folding it and tucking it into my pocket.

I thought,"The news of my pregnancy is something Logan doesn't need to know.I can raise the child on my own.

I want no more involvement with Logan."

But suddenly,Logan spotted me not far away.He immediately walked out of the ward,gently closing the door to block Rebecca from my view.

"Why are you here?"Logan's tone was unfriendly.

He had no idea what I had been through,so my appearance now seemed suspicious to him.

If only Logan had shown even a hint of concern,he would have noticed my pale,sickly appearance,a mere shadow of my former self.

"It has anything to do with you."

I calmly looked at him.

Logan was taken aback because I had never spoken to him this way before.

Looking at me,he said,"You're just in time.Rebecca's condition can't wait any longer.The doctor has developed a special drug,untested clinically.Since your height and weight are similar to Rebecca's,you can try the drug for her."

"So,this is the reason you're with me?"

I gazed at Logan in disbelief.

Logan and I were in the same college.I first saw him at a school sports event,where he confidently exchanged contact information with me after winning a race.

The clean-cut and high-spirited young man shone in the sunlight,leaving me captivated amidst the cheers of the crowd.

Later,I learned that he sought me out because,like his ex-girlfriend,Rebecca,I,too,specialized in dance.

I was nothing but a stand-in for Rebecca from beginning to end.

"Rebecca is just a friend now.Could you please stop doubting my relationship with her?"

Logan took out his phone and dialed,speaking with a firm tone."George,bring the medicine."

Still pregnant,I knew taking such a potent drug would affect the child.Even if I weren't pregnant,I would never agree to be Logan's guinea pig.

"If you want to try,do it yourself!"

I felt my stomach ached.Not wanting to waste time with Logan,I turned to leave.

Logan forcefully grabbed my arm,causing me to stumble.

Instinctively,I protected my stomach.

He said,"You've always wanted a child,right?If you try the drug for Rebecca,I'll marry you,and we'll have a child."

As he spoke,Logan sent a few more messages from his phone.

"The wedding is already arranged."

Looking up at Logan,who was still as dazzling as he was in college,I felt as if just looking up at him required all my strength.

I finally found a good place to read novels!