Avenge My Son's Death on the Devil Alpha

Chapter 1

Alpha Kellan of the Dark Ridge Pack was supposed to be training our son, Ryder, in the woods. But he abandoned Ryder for the woman he loved long before he met me.

Alone in the woods, Ryder was ambushed by a rogue wolf, with red eyes and menacing fangs. The sight of it made my poor seven-year-old son tremble in fear. He was defenseless against the rogue, who had been waiting for this moment, spying on him and his father for a long time.

In the wild depths of the woods, Ryder met his tragic end, the rogue's fangs sinking into his neck. His tears flowed like a river as he called out for his father, the Alpha who left him for another woman.

When I arrived, terrified of what I would find, I discovered Ryder's lifeless body, blood everywhere, and tears still fresh on his face. I cradled him in my arms, my heart breaking as I screamed my pain into the silent woods.

While I mourned our son, Selene was with Alpha Kellan. He cradled her, consoling her over the loss of her pet. He had left our son to die alone for Selene. Through my tears, I mumbled to myself, "So she is the reason you didn't care if our son died at the rogue's fangs?"


As the sun dipped low over the dense canopy of the forest, Alpha Kellan of Dark Ridge Pack and his young son Ryder prowled through the underbrush. The air was thick with the earthy scent of moss and the distant call of birds. In their wolf forms, they moved swiftly, their senses attuned to every rustle and crackle around them.

"Remember, Ryder," Kellan's deep voice resonated in Ryder's mind through their pack bond. "Always trust your instincts. They'll guide you true when you hunt."

Ryder nodded eagerly, his young wolf form, still a pup, bounding alongside his father's larger, more experienced shape. They halted at a clearing, where Kellan crouched low, demonstrating how to track a scent trail left by prey. "See here, the scent lingers, faint but steady. Follow it with your nose, like this."

Ryder sniffed the air, concentrating hard. "I think I smell it, Dad! Over there!"

Kellan smiled proudly. "Good, Ryder. Now, let's practice stealth. Stay low and quiet, watch your step." They moved like shadows among the trees, their fur blending seamlessly with the shadows of twilight.

Suddenly, a sharp sensation pierced Kellan's mind—a mind link from Selene, his childhood sweetheart and now a trusted pack member. "Alpha, can you come? I really need you right now," her voice echoed urgently in his thoughts.

Upon hearing that, Kellan glanced at Ryder, conflicted. "Ryder, stay here. Keep practicing what I taught you. I'll be back in an hour to take you home."

Ryder looked up at his father, concern flickering in his eyes. "I'll wait for you, Dad."

With a parting nod, Kellan sprinted off into the depths of the forest, leaving Ryder to continue his training alone.

In the dusky depths of the forest, young Ryder wandered alone, practicing the hunting skills his father had taught him earlier. His small form moved cautiously through the underbrush, senses alert despite his excitement. Unbeknownst to him, a shadowy figure had been stalking him and his father, the Alpha, for days—the rogue wolf, watching and waiting for the perfect moment.

As Ryder paused to inspect a faint scent trail, a chilling growl shattered the tranquility. The rogue wolf emerged from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with hunger and malice. Ryder froze, fear gripping his heart as he faced the monstrous creature.

"W-Who are you?" Ryder's voice quivered, his eyes wide with terror.

The rogue wolf advanced slowly, its steps deliberate and predatory. "You've been an easy target, little one," it sneered, circling Ryder with calculated menace.

Panic surged through the young pup as he realized the danger he was in. He tried to call out for help, but fear constricted his throat. "Someone! Please!" He cried out, desperation lacing his voice.

With a sudden lunge, the rogue wolf attacked. Ryder's screams echoed through the forest as sharp pain ripped through him. He fought back with all his strength, clawing and kicking, but the rogue's vicious assault was relentless.

"Dad, help me!" Ryder's voice pleaded, but there was no one near enough to hear.

The rogue wolf's jaws closed around Ryder's throat, silencing his cries in an instant. With cold efficiency, it ended the young boy's life, leaving his body crumpled and still on the forest floor.


As the evening shadows lengthened, a knot of worry tightened in my chest. Kellan and Ryder should have returned for dinner, but there was only silence when I reached out to them through the mind link.

My heart raced with fear as I called out, "Alpha? Where are you? What's taking you so long?" But there was no answer, just a hollow emptiness in my mind.

Desperation clawed at me as I focused all my thoughts on Ryder, trying to reach him directly. "Ryder, my dear? Please tell Mommy where are you. I'm getting worried!" I implored inwardly, my voice trembling. Still, there was no reply, only the chilling silence of my unanswered mind links.

Driven by a mother's intuition and growing unease, I followed my son's familiar scent into the encroaching darkness of the woods. Each step weighed heavily on my heart, my pulse pounding in my ears. My heart was beating so fast as I ran, the forest seeming to close in around me with every stride, oppressive and unyielding.

Not until I saw a familiar figure on the ground. I felt like the world stopped, and right there and then, all I could see was my son's lifeless body, pooled with his blood.

"N-No..." I could not pull myself together. No. This had to be a nightmare. My son... My son wasn't dead.

Yet, there he lay, bathed in the soft glow of the rising moon. My sweet boy, so full of life just hours ago, now lay unmoving and still. A sharp gasp escaped my lips as I fell to my knees beside him, my hands trembling as I reached out to touch his motionless form.

My fingers brushed against his cold skin, and reality crashed down upon me like a wave. "No... Ryder!" I cried out, my voice cracking with disbelief and horror. I gathered his lifeless body into my arms, holding him close as if my embrace could wake him from this nightmare. "What happened to you?" I sobbed, my cries reverberating through the silent woods.

I pressed my cheek against his skin, willing him to stir, to open his eyes and reassure me that everything would be alright. But there was only silence, broken by the sound of my own shattered heart. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I rocked back and forth, clutching him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, my love," I whispered brokenly, my voice choked with grief. "I should have protected you. I should have been there." The weight of guilt and sorrow pressed down on me, crushing me under the unbearable loss of my precious son.

"I will find who did this, Ryder," I vowed through clenched teeth, my fists tightening around his lifeless form. "I swear to you, I will punish whoever it is."

At that moment, amidst the wreckage of my hopes and fears, all I could do was hold onto my beloved son, his absence a void that threatened to consume me whole.

Chapter 2

Days blurred together in a haze of anguish and sorrow. I, once vibrant and strong, now felt like a mere shadow of myself. My once bright eyes dulled with grief, dark circles etched beneath them from endless nights spent in mourning for my son.

Even my wolf's fur, usually sleek and radiant, now hung in disarray, neglected and unkempt as I struggled to find the will to go on.

"I'm sorry, my love," I whispered softly, my voice choked with a mix of sorrow and regret, as I gently wiped away the last traces of blood from his lifeless body. With trembling hands, I carefully placed the legendary luminous pearl in his mouth, knowing it would keep his body preserved. I was grateful enough that my friend, Mauve, a witch, gave this to me.

It was all so hard to bear. Every moment felt like a nightmare from which I couldn't wake. From the start, I knew Alpha Kellan harbored deeper feelings for his childhood sweetheart, but to leave our son alone in the woods... Anger and regret consumed me.

If only I hadn't mated with him. If only I hadn't loved him so blindly. For years, I devoted myself to him, only to have him abandon our son to such a fate. I couldn't accept it.

With so much care, I arranged Ryder's body in a crystal coffin, each movement careful, as if I could delay the inevitable moment of saying goodbye. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I kissed his forehead one last time, my heart shattering anew with each passing second.

"I won't let you be forgotten, my baby," I murmured through choked sobs. "Mommy will always be here for you. I'm so... so sorry."

Closing the lid of the coffin, preparing to bury him, I felt a weight settle over me, both physically and emotionally. The grief had taken its toll, leaving me gaunt and fragile, my hair tangled and disheveled. But beneath the weariness, a fierce fire burned—a determination to find those responsible and ensure they faced justice. Especially Alpha Kellan, who abandoned our son to die alone in the woods.

At that moment, amidst the wreckage of my shattered life, all I could do was hold onto the memory of my precious son. He was my everything, and now, I feel so lost.

Chapter 3

Not long after, I saw Alpha Kellan walking towards me, holding Selene's shoulders gently. His childhood sweetheart cradled an urn in her hands, her face worn with grief.

"Alpha Kellan, this cemetery is so peaceful with all the birds and flowers. My Cherry would have loved it here, don't you think?" She spoke softly, her voice tinged with sadness.

Alpha Kellan looked torn, about to respond, but then he noticed me nearby. The pity in his eyes faded into indifference as he approached with a frown.

"Step aside," he ordered coldly, his tone cutting through the air.

I didn't want to exchange another word with him, so I kept myself mum. How could I face the person who neglected my child? It was funny to see him care more for his other woman than his son. Ridiculous.

Selene came closer, her voice gentle but carrying an air of dominance.

"Mira, Cherry's sudden passing left me devastated. I needed Alpha Kellan by my side. Please understand," she said, her eyes challenging, silently implying her place beside him.

"Your man is quite attentive," I replied flatly, devoid of emotion.

Upon hearing my tone, Alpha Kellan frowned, defending Selene. "Can't you be reasonable? Selene is grieving deeply over Cherry's death, and you're being sarcastic?"

Seeing him rush to Selene's defense, I glanced at him, then pushed his shoulder away and walked off without another word. What would I expect from him? He would always act like a hero whenever she was around!

You couldn't even make sure your son was safe, Kellan.

As I walked away, the Alpha seemed stunned. I was planning to get away from them, but he was adamant about making me stay.

Seconds later, Alpha Kellan caught up with me, whispering urgently, "Is this all because I left Ryder alone in the woods? He's capable of finding his way home! Why are you being so petty?"

I coldly replied without looking at him, "Yes, it's all my fault."

Surprised by my indifferent response, Kellan lowered his voice, trying to explain. "Cherry's death hit Selene hard. I was worried she might do something reckless alone, so I went to comfort her. I thought Ryder was fine when I left him. I'll make it up to him when I return. He's a good kid; he'll forgive me, won't he?"

If he had paid more attention to our family, he would have known what happened to his son. But he didn't. His focus was entirely on Selene. Even now, he still doesn't know that his son died.

Why didn't I see how pathetic he was as a person before? Why did I mate with him when he was nothing but trash?

"You've lost your chance," I said, walking away again, not wanting to engage further with him.

However, he reached out, grabbing my arm. "What do you mean, I've lost my chance?"

Noticing my unusually cold demeanor, the Alpha seemed willing to lower his defenses and make amends for the first time. But after what happened to Ryder, forgiveness was out of the question. I could never bring myself to forgive and face him again.

I walked away from them, but before I reached the cemetery gate, a mind link from the gatekeeper shook me to my core.

"Luna, someone is digging up your son's grave!"

My heart felt like it had been struck by an arrow. Without hesitation, I turned back and sprinted towards Ryder's resting place, everything else forgotten.

Ryder had always been cheerful and loved plants, especially the sun-loving ones he hoped to fill our backyard with one day. His wish went unfulfilled in life, so after his passing, I planted many on his grave.

As I approached, I saw Selene directing two wolf warriors to dig up Ryder's resting place. The plants I had nurtured were strewn around.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled, pushing past the warriors. "Who gave you permission to dig here?"

Selene, feigning fear, retreated into Kellan's arms. "I thought this was an abandoned grave since there's no tombstone. It's full of beautiful flowers, so I thought Cherry would rest peacefully here. I asked the gatekeeper to inform the deceased's family in our pack. You know, I planned to compensate them. I know their families wouldn't object. So why are you yelling? You're scaring me."

Selene always played the delicate lady, but her actions sickened me. Ignoring her, I grabbed a shovel and hastily began filling in the grave again. This place was my son's resting place! I wouldn't allow anyone to disturb him. Not Selene, and absolutely not even Kellan.

Chapter 4

Amidst my desperate attempts to restore the sanctity of my son's grave, Alpha Kellan approached. "Mira, stop this!" His voice thundered, wrenching the shovel from my hands.

"You're heartless!" I shouted back, my anger boiling over. Defiantly, I knelt down and began scooping the earth back with my bare hands.

Seeing my actions, Selene gestured to her warriors, urging them to enforce her commands. "Why are you just standing there? Stop her!"

Two warriors promptly restrained me, their grips firm as I struggled in vain to break free. Meanwhile, Alpha Kellan advanced with a cold glare fixed on me.

"Selene is already distraught over Cherry's death, and now you're provoking her by disturbing his grave. You've crossed a line. Apologize to Selene now!" His words cut through the tense air, laden with accusation.

His accusing tone cut through me, demanding an apology to the woman who dared to disturb my son's resting place. It angered me to the core.

I glared back at Kellan, my resolve unwavering. "Never," I said firmly, my voice trembling with emotion.

"Alpha Kellan, you always spoke of our Luna's generosity, but look at her now," Selene interjected, seizing the opportunity to sow discord between us. "She's behaving like a madwoman. What would others say if they saw this? Would they laugh at you for having such a mate?"

Upon hearing that, Alpha Kellan's gaze turned to me with a mix of disappointment and disdain. "Did you hear that? Don't embarrass me. Go back to the pack house and be with Ryder. How can you leave him alone like this?"

I met his stare with defiance, my teeth clenched. "Do you still care about our son?" I challenged, the words bitter.

However, Alpha Kellan's response was confident, almost dismissive. "Of course I do. I'm just busy right now, but I work hard for him. When he reaches maturity, I'll make sure he's suitable and capable enough to be the next Alpha. He'll be happy to inherit my title."

Suddenly, I felt like my boiling anger burned all the rationality left within me. His words struck a nerve, and I couldn't hold back. "Stop pretending, Alpha. If you truly cared about my son, you wouldn't have left him alone in the woods for Selene. He was only seven freaking years old! Did you ever think about how scared and helpless he must have felt?"

"You're so difficult!" Kellan snapped, his patience finally wearing thin. "You keep arguing over trivial matters. Will you ever stop?"

With those words, he turned away and approached Selene, who promptly commanded her two wolf warriors once more. "Keep digging," she ordered, her voice laced with authority.

With one word, the warriors continued what they were doing on my son's grave.

"No, please stop!" I pleaded desperately, straining against Kellan's unyielding grip when he saw that I was about to approach them. "You can't do this! I said stop!"

But Selene's wolf warriors' to do what was commanded was unwavering. They continued digging and digging and digging, until they saw what I was most afraid of. A gasp of horror escaped Selene's lips as her hand flew to cover her mouth in shock.

"W-What the... What is this?" Her voice quavered with disbelief, her eyes wide with alarm.

At that moment, Alpha Kellan's expression transformed from confusion and he immediately went nearer to see what Selene was looking at. There, lying before him, was the lifeless form of a little boy. His features, eerily similar to those of our son Ryder, stirred a storm of emotions within him.

"How... how can this be?" Alpha Kellan murmured, his voice barely a whisper, his mind racing with unanswered questions.

I finally found a good place to read novels!